Building in pictures
St. Joseph’s Ballinagar -- -- Burned 12 Feb. 2004.
Photographic record of restoration begun 5th April 2005.
On Tuesday 21st March, the pupils of 6th Class in Ballinagar school,
placed their projects on Ballinagar, its school, and its new school in a 'Time Capsule' which already contained paper cuttings of the fire, a diary of parish meetings and planning for the 'new church', a copy of the 'Fundraising Project Document', and a 'pre-print' copy of the booklet for Opening Day.
6th Class, with Mr Denis O'Connor, their teacher; Fr Stapleton P.P., The design team [Jackie, J.J., and Mark]; with Joe, Vincent and Ollie at placing of the time capsule in St Joseph's.
Joe Brophy, builder [white hat] and Vincent Cummins, foreman [red hat] oversee the deposit.
These are the windows from the sanctuary area of St Josephs. On the left is the window that will be over the Baptism font on the Left side of the church, with the Spirit on the top of the window, and the River of Life flowing around the Cross of Life on the right side, and the flames of the Spirit on the left. The 8 circles at the top left represents Regeneration or New Life.
On the Right is the Eucharist Window. We have the Chalice and Host in the top of the window, with the Vine and Grape wrapped around the Living Cross, and the Wheat growing in the right side of the window. Again the eight circles represent Regeneration, or New Life. The three circles represent The Blessed Trinity.
The other windows, eight in all, also have designs, reflecting some of these images.
Artist:- Ann Smyth, CWS Design, Lisburn. Co. Antrim