Local Services
Schools of the parish:
Killeigh NS Phone: 9344349 http://www.killeighns.ie/
Principal: Sandra Sheeran
Ballinagar NS Phone: 9343615 www.ballinagarns.weebly.com
Principal: Alan Plunkett
Principal: Brian Ryan
Geashill NS Phone: 9343754 www.geashillns.ie/
Principal: Micheál Hyland
Pre-Schools in the parish area
Killeigh Community Pre-School: Dymphna 057 9344501
Maria's Montessori School, Killeigh, Breda McElduff 085 1222654
Ballinagar ‘Happy Days Pre-School’ Sarah 087 1300432.
Cloneygowan ‘Playpals Playschool’ Fran 087.9401184
Useful Services in Your area:-
Sun 12-1pm. 01 852 7000 after 5pm.
Al-anon: Thurs 8.30pm, Tullamore Health Centre.
Accord Centre,
Sun 12-1pm. 01 852 7000 after 5pm.
Al-anon: Thurs 8.30pm, Tullamore Health Centre.
Accord Centre, Tel: 057 93 41831 www.accord.ie
Aware : Mon 8.00pm.except Bank Holidays, Bury Quay, Tullamore.
Relatives of people who experience depression meet first Mon of month
Amen: Support for Male Victims of Domestic Abuse., Resource Centre, Railway Street, Navan, 046 9023718
Bereavement Support: - Parish Secretary 93 21587 / 93 51510.
Carers' Assoc: 057 93 22920.
Citizens Information: Mon-Sat, 10.30am-12.30pm 057 93 52204.
Council for Blind: 057 93 59608
Cura 0906 474272.
Domestic Violence Domestic Violence Support Service Confidential Information Line 057 93 51886. (Open Mon to Fri 10am to 12& 2pm to 4)
Drug Addiction: Help for addicts & family Ph. Willie 057 86 92516.
Gamblers Anon: Mon & Fri, Day Care, Centre, 9pm. 057 93 46258
Grow: Thurs 7.30pm, Bury Quay, Ph. 057 93 51124.
Life Pregnancy Care.. 1850 281 281.
MABS Money Advice 076 107 2710
M.o.v.e. for men who vent, violence on loved ones.0906 472174
Minus One for widowed & separated, Mon, 9pm, Bridgehouse.
Offaly Domestic Violence Support Service: 057 93 51886
Parent line for parents under stress, 01 873 3500, Mon-Fri.
Rape Crisis Centre: 1800 32 32 32.
Reading / Writing for Adults: Ph 057 93 52280
Samaritans: Freephone number 116123
St Vincent de Paul: Offaly St. 057 93 22072.
Suicide Bereavement Support-Living Links Co-ordinator 086 1600 641
Women In Crisis: Ozanam House, Mon, Thurs, Sat,10am-1 pm;
Tues & Fri 7-9pm. Ph. 93 51796. Helpline 93 51886.
Women's Refuge Athlone 0906-474122.Helpline 1800 341 900.
Knock Marriage Introductions Bureau: Phone 094 93 75960 www.knockmarriagebureau.com